Why blog, you ask?

I, Skarbs, HIKED the 3 highest peaks in Africa in January of 2012, all to raise money for the 3 "peak issues" in East Africa: Education, Health, and Environment. East Africa is a place close to my heart. I know the difference that love, belief, and understanding can make in this beautiful part of the world. Join with me as I REFLECT back on this amazing journey!

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Mt. Meru Summit night. Little did we know.....

Rhino Point at 3:30am ish

Katie in the lovely wet fog

Still working our way up to the summit...

Kilimanjaro above the clouds in the background

Very foggy

Kili again in the distance.  Always cool to see it above the clouds.


Lyndall at Socialist Peak...not feeling so great....we underestimated this peak big time.

Summit Group Shot

Yeah! Note soccer ball.


TZ and US flags drawn at St. Judes

2 down, 1 to go...

Hello Sarah, Hello Kilimanjaro.

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