Why blog, you ask?

I, Skarbs, HIKED the 3 highest peaks in Africa in January of 2012, all to raise money for the 3 "peak issues" in East Africa: Education, Health, and Environment. East Africa is a place close to my heart. I know the difference that love, belief, and understanding can make in this beautiful part of the world. Join with me as I REFLECT back on this amazing journey!

Monday, January 17, 2011

Going to Africa!

    Hello Everyone!  Welcome to my blog where I'll be keeping you peoples up to date on my training and fundraising for 3 Peaks 3 Weeks.  I fund raise and train in 2011, and climb in January of 2012!

    I'll go into more detail in future posts, but I will be part of an all women's climbing group hiking the 3 highest peaks in Africa (Mt. Kenya, Mt. Meru, and of course, Mt. Kilimanjaro) to raise money for the "3 peak issues" in East Africa:
  • Education
  • Health
  • Environment
    To start with, check out my application video that I submitted to get accepted for the climb. For the first minute I had to pretend I was trying to convince the CEO of North Face to support our team, and the second minute I had to list 3 adjectives to describe myself. 
    Many thanks to Kate and Meg for filming me, my awesome neighbor Nick for making a guest appearance, and MEESH! for editing the video like a pro.  Meesh, roomie, friend, you are the bomb (Da bomb?)!  More updates later, but I'm so excited for this opportunity to raise money for awesome people in Tanzania and Kenya.

1 comment:

  1. Love it! Way to go Skarbs team (especially Nick!) :)
